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Kestrel Cerys aces weighty lockdown challenge

Like many people, Kestrel customer service advisor Cerys Coy gave herself a lockdown challenge back in April 2020 and – unlike many – she stuck to it!

Cerys shed an incredible four stones over the first lockdown and, with daily trips to the gym and healthy food choices, she’s kept the weight off.

This is just the latest achievement for the 20-year-old who earlier in the year won an Apprentice of the Year Award for her hard work and determination.

“I’ve made being healthy a priority and the achievement has given me a lot more confidence,” Cerys said.

The other confidence-booster has been through work, where the varying nature of her customer services role at the UPVC roofline manufacturer has worked well with Cerys’ can-do nature.

“Being given the freedom at work to find solutions and knowing I’m appreciated in the team has given me much more confidence in myself and my abilities,” she said.

“As customer service involves so much interaction and understanding of different departments, I am now able to spend time in other parts of the business, which is really improving my knowledge and skills.”

Outside of work, along with the gym Cerys admits to being a thrill-seeker, liking nothing more than a trip to the theme park and so, as life gets back to normal, a trip to Alton Towers is firmly on the calendar!

Kestrel Sales and Marketing Manager Owen Thorogood said: “Cerys is a real asset to the Kestrel team. As a gym enthusiast myself, I’m hugely impressed by her determination to get fitter and healthier, and even more impressed with the help and service she delivers to Kestrel customers every day.”