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Kestrel Kyley’s driving career in customer services

Starting her first day at work for Kestrel as a packer ‘to raise money for driving lessons’ Kyley Watson couldn’t have imagined that she was starting an 18 years (and counting) career journey.

In those 18 years, Kyley has undertaken several roles at the UPVC fascia, cladding, and soffit brand, including quality audit and shift supervisor, before leaving the factory floor to join the customer services team, where she now works as a supervisor.

“Kestrel has grown so much in the time I’ve been here, both in terms of staff and the product range, and I feel like I have grown with it,” Kyley said.

“Having that background in the manufacturing side of the business really helps me in the role I have now. My favourite part of customer services is problem solving, so having practical experience of other parts of the business is really valuable when I’m helping customers.”

Like many people across the UK, Kyley worked from home for parts of the Covid-19 pandemic, and while she prefers to be back at the office, the attitude of staff pulling together at Kestrel has had some positive after-effects.

“The Kestrel team worked together really closely during the pandemic and that has helped create much stronger bonds and understanding between departments,” Kyley said. “It’s made us closer, helped us understand the pressures other teams are under and in turn that helps us better serve our customers.”

Outside of work, much of Kyley’s time is taken up looking after her son, including driving ‘mum’s taxi’ to football training and activities, and walking her French Bulldog Lola.